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Undergraduate and Graduate Research

Undergraduate and Graduate Research Opportunity - Spring 2022




Staff in the McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention seek to use scholarship to inform practice to eradicate dating and sexual violence (DSV) among college students. The scholarship about DSV among college students has grown exponentially in the past five years, so we need a team of readers to help us make sense of the literature. Through this independent study (graduate or undergraduate level), you will work with the director of the Center to identify a section of the literature of interest to you, then read the articles published in the last 10 years on this topic, and synthesize the information into a format usable for people engaged in practice related to addressing DSV among college students. Potential topics for exploration include DSV among specific minoritized populations (e.g., LGBT students, students of color, students with disabilities), reviews of educational and prevention programs, analysis of campus policies, etc.

To earn a passing grade, you will be expected to spend 10 hours/week on this project and document hours regularly. Additionally, you will be expected to develop a final product that the MCVP can include on its website under “scholarship and resources about DSV.”

In this independent study, you will:

• Meet bi-weekly with a research team of graduate and undergraduate researchers to make sense of what you are learning in the literature and explore strategies for reading and synthesizing the literature.

• Learn strategies for engaging in a systematic literature review and organizing the literature.

• Explore a variety of methods for sharing scholarship beyond a written paper, including infographics, short videos, and social media posts.

• Synthesize a significant amount of literature into a quickly digestible and usable format for educators and practitioners.

• Explore opportunities to attempt to publish a conceptual/review piece related to your topic.

To apply for this independent study, please send an email to Dr. Chris Linder, explaining why you are interested in this project and any initial thoughts you have about areas of scholarship related to DSV you might be interested in exploring. Applications are due on December 1.

We understand that many majors require research credit, internship credit, or other related academic experiences for graduation. As the McCluskey Center strives to engage in interdisciplinary work, we are happy to work with any department guidelines and the appropriate faculty to make this opportunity work for a variety of types of credit.

PLEASE NOTE: The mission of the McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention focuses on the primary prevention of DSV through a power-conscious, intersectional lens; therefore, these projects will NOT focus on response to DSV through traditional systems like policing, nor will the projects focus on anything related to teaching people how not to be victimized.

If you have engaged in work related to DSV before, this will very likely be dramatically different than what you have done before. And if you haven’t engaged before because DSV has been portrayed as a wealthy, straight, white cisgender women’s issue, this project is EXACTLY for you!