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Our Mission

The McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention at the University of Utah engages in research and education on sexual violence among college students, particularly as it affects students from historically minoritized backgrounds, including students of color, queer and trans students, and students with disabilities. The center seeks to bridge the gap between research and education by bringing together researchers, prevention educators and students to focus on scholarship and best practices for understanding, intervening in, and preventing sexual violence. In carrying out this mission, the center's work benefits students of all backgrounds and demographics.

Our Team

The McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention is led by faculty, staff and student assistants. Faculty and staff in the center strive to engage in transformative practices aimed at shifting the campus culture to address violence at its roots. Our staff conduct on-going, in-depth research about the roots of sexual violence and use that knowledge to design educational programs and content. We intentionally hire students who are passionate about violence prevention, without requiring them to have previous experience in this area and mentor them throughout their time working for the center.

Learn more about our team at this link.


Connect & Contact

To stay up-to-date on the latest MCVP news follow us on Instagram and Twitter. You may reach out to us by telephone at 801-587-3982 or by clicking the button below.


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  • 🎉New Blog Alert!🎉 Let’s chat about people who cause harm and abolition.

    This powerful blog post by our Graduate Assistant, Tillie, explores the intersection of harm, healing, and accountability. She challenges us to rethink justice—not as punishment, but as growth.🌱 She reminds us that EVERYONE has value and confronts the idea that some people are disposable.

    💭She poses: “What can we do to form a community so strong and established that harm is unthinkable and violence never inevitable?”❓🔎 And reminds us that it starts with 🫵YOU🫵

    ❓Ask yourself:
    👉 What have you experienced in your life that has influenced how you view and treat others?
    👉 What makes it easy or hard for you to make connections?
    👉 How can you develop and cultivate empathy?
    👉 What does accountability mean to you?
    👉 How do you react when you learn you’ve hurt someone?

    Check out the full post (screenshot the QR code on screen) and let’s reframe what justice and change can look like. 🙌✨

    #primaryprevention #abolition #traumainformed #accountability #mcvp #changeispossible #collectivehealing #mentalhealthmatters #universityofutah #communityfirst #preventharm #empathyoverpunishment

  • 🎉Meet our 2025 Student Staff Team🎉

    We’re excited to introduce the amazing new student staff at the McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention!✨ These brilliant minds are ready to bring fresh ideas, creativity, and passion to everything they do. Stay tuned for some incredible action projects coming your way later this year! 👀🔥

    #newyearnewteam #studentstaff2025 #staytuned #campusinnovation #excitingprojects #primaryprevention #preventharm #violenceprevention #universityofutah #mcvp

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