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Student Organization Leader Series

Professional Development Workshop Series 

For Members of U Student Organizations



coming fall 2021!

A Two-part* Educational Series

*participants should plan to attend both workshops

As a result of this educational series student organization representatives will:
  • Examine individual and collective beliefs, ideas, and understandings about relationship and sexual violence (RSV) among college students; 
  • Develop a deeper understanding of the nuances of RSV among college students; 
  • Consider the role of power, privilege, and oppression in addressing RSV; 
  • Create a personal action plan for addressing RSV in their circles of influence.

Program Details

One strategy for shifting a culture related to more effectively addressing relationship and sexual violence is to help people better understand the nuance of the issue and to provide many avenues for people to engage around the topic. Rather than providing “training” to teach people what to do, we will provide an educational series to help people think more critically about the topics and think about how they can address them in their own lives and circles of influence.

Participants will engage in a voluntary two-part workshop series. Participants should not sign up if they cannot engage in both workshops as they are designed to build on each other. Workshops will require some pre-reading, reflection, and dialogue. These are not lecture-based workshops.


Power-Conscious and Historical Approaches to Understanding Relationship and Sexual Violence 


In this session, we will examine our individual ideas about RSV and the dominant narrative about RSV by exploring our personal socialization to our work. Further, we will examine RSV through an historical lens, considering the relationship between power, oppression, and violence. We will then examine the differences between awareness, prevention, and response of relationship and sexual violence and begin to think about strategizing to more effectively engage in prevention through addressing culture.




In this session, we will build on the previous session by exploring the various roles and identities we each bring to our work, highlighting strategies for effectively engaging in culture change. To address violence, we need to work with different stakeholders, including peers, media representatives, university administrators, state and federal-level policy makers. We must also be cognizant of who is and is not present in decision-making arenas and how our identities and experiences influence how we think about addressing violence.  In this session, we will discuss strategies for navigating a variety of roles from various social locations and examine our unique strengths to develop an action plan designed to address RSV.