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Strategic Plan

Fall 2020-Spring 2023

Developed by MCVP Advisory Board Members, Summer 2020



Educate campus community members, including faculty, staff and students, about RSV prevention through a variety of professional development opportunities and partnerships with other campus-based programs and initiatives.

Year 1

Design a monthly workshop series for faculty, staff, and students interested in expanding their understanding of RSV prevention.

Year 1

Maintain an active blog with at least two posts/month and active social media accounts to educate campus community members about RSV prevention.

Year 1

Facilitate quarterly meetings with groups and organizations dedicated to addressing relationship and sexual violence to share updates and request support.

Year 2

Organize and support student community and identity-based groups to address issues of RSV within specific minoritized communities who are frequently left out of research and practice.



Engage researchers in education and professional development to conduct critically- conscious research focused on understanding the role of power in RSV. Research will specifically focus on understanding behaviors of people who perpetrate violence and the influence of student cultures on RSV among college students.

Year 2

Partner with an academic department to offer a course for graduate students interested in studying RSV through an intersectional and powerconscious lens.

Year 2

Design a learning community for current faculty and researchers interested in conducting research through an intersectional and powerconscious lens.



Engage people responsible for shaping campus environments (e.g., student affairs educators, student leaders, graduate teaching assistants, faculty, among others) in education and professional development to reduce harm and shift campus cultures related to RSV.

Year 1

Support student organizations dedicated to addressing RSV and campus safety through regular gatherings, professional development and on-going communication.

Year 2

Implement and evaluate a RSV prevention educational series for faculty, staff, students, and other key stakeholders in specific colleges.

Year 2

Develop learning communities for faculty seeking to integrate topics related to RSV into their courses.

Year 2

Host regular campus forums, including listening sessions, to learn from students, faculty and staff about their experiences and perceptions regarding RSV prevention and education efforts.

Year 2

Track and collect information provided by student activists and student leaders about campus climate related to RSV. Regularly share information with appropriate educators and administrators on campus.

Year 3

Provide evaluation, assessment and consulting for departments and programs who seek to better understand how their cultures and environments may perpetuate harmful behaviors that contribute to RSV.



Explore, design and initiate research and education focused on intervening with those who perpetrate harm and people at high risk for engaging in harmful behaviors.

Year 2

Conduct a research study examining rates and patterns of perpetration among U.S. college students.

Year 2

Design and implement an intervention for students accused of and/or found responsible for sexual misconduct.

Year 2

Design and implement an educational series to help students better understand RSV as a spectrum of harmful behaviors, attitudes and perceptions and strategies to reduce and eliminate harm.

Year 2

Support the development of a men’s engagement program designed to provide a space for students who identify as men to explore their gender socialization and continue to develop a healthy sense of masculinity.

Year 3

Educate members of the campus community about principles of transformative justice and how to integrate these principles into relationship and SV prevention efforts.



Coordinate research teams of faculty, staff and students and provide seed grant funding for research and practice projects explicitly focused on the primary prevention of RSV among college students.

Year 2

Identify and develop sustainable funding mechanisms for research grants.

Year 3

Award seed money to teams of researchers and practitioners with a specific focus on primary prevention.

Year 3

Provide on-going support for research-practice teams awarded funding.

Year 3

Provide a mechanism for sharing results of research through the center.



Contribute to larger efforts to eradicate RSV among college students by sharing research and practice initiatives in state, regional, and national forums.

Year 2

Develop, implement and share strategies for assessing and monitoring campus climates as it relates to RSV, including a comprehensive campus climate protocol that includes qualitative and textual data collection.

Year 3

Host a symposium for researchers and educators dedicated to the primary prevention of RSV.

Year 3

Conduct comprehensive campus climate study on two additional campuses beyond the U to test the protocol to share with campuses nationally.

Year 3

As appropriate, expand educational and professional development programs offered through the center to a state and national audience