Upcoming Opportunities:
MCVP's Annual End-of-Year Celebration
Event Details:
Date: Thursday, April 10, 2025
Time: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Location: Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building Room 7180 (Child Hall)
1655 Campus Center Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Join us for our annual End-of-Year Celebration, where MCVP staff will share updates and reflections about this academic year. This event offers a wonderful opportunity to connect with one another, recognize our staff’s collective work, and dream about the future together.
Learn More About Past Opportunities
Enjoy a peek into the past of the MCVP's prior learning/engagement opportunities.
Book Club: Thinking Like an Abolitionist to End Sexual Violence
Join us for a compelling exploration of Thinking Like an Abolitionist to End Sexual Violence in Higher Education by Chris Linder, Nadeeka Karunaratne, and Niah Grimes. This book club offers a space to delve into abolitionist principles and primary prevention strategies while building community.
Event Details:
Dates: October 17, November 7, November 21 (Thursdays)
Time: 12:00 - 1:00 pm
Location: Union Den
What to Expect: Guided discussions, divided readings, open Q&A, and a chance to bring lunch and connect.
RSVP Below: The first 10 students to RSVP get a FREE copy of the book!
Additional Info: Feel free to bring questions, comments, and a lunch. All are welcome, even if you can’t make it to every session.
The New Consent Narrative
Jilly Mcbane, a student staff member, created a three-episode podcast titled, “The New Consent Narrative.” The podcast covers topics that are relevant to college students, relationships and violence — all in the format of a recorded conversation. The podcast can be found on our blog page.
Here's an excerpt from a blog Jilly wrote introducing the podcast: "Why are we doing this you might ask? The McCluskey Center engages in various forms of education because we all learn in different ways. I know for myself I am a huge fan of podcasts and whether I’m listening to one in the shower or out on a long walk, I always learn something new and interesting. Additionally, it seems that in recent years podcasts have grown exponentially in popularity and becoming a host of one has transformed into a dream of my own. When I was presented the opportunity to make one, I had to do it."
Re-envisioning Healing Through Accountability & Anti-Oppression Justice Frameworks
Thursday, April 13, 12 p.m.-2 p.m.
Parlor A, Union
Thursday, April 13, 12 p.m.-2 p.m.
Parlor A, Union
Register: https://forms.gle/hSvXWQmq5jiBCqJT9
Re-envisioning how to end sexual violence means imagining what a world without sexual violence would look like and how the often messy process of healing is central to this future-thinking.
In this workshop, participants will learn about accountability practices and anti-oppression justice frameworks, such as restorative and transformative justice, that are key to ending sexual violence and creating a world where sexual harm has neither place nor power.
Participants will discuss how centering experiences of folks harmed works to hold perpetrators accountable and aids healing, and why tools that no longer serve us well, such as carceral “accountability” and the criminal justice system, must be part of the re-envisioning process. This workshop prioritizes the work of black and brown thought-leaders who have built and worked within these frameworks to create better worlds.
The workshop will be facilitated by:
- Evelyn Cervantes (she/they), director of organizational transformation and belonging at YWCA Utah.
- Natalie Blanton (she/they), a sociology professor in Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
- Lisa Balland (she/they), a public health professional whose work on reproductive justice and sexual rights has been challenged by the white supremacy oppression within the reproductive health field.
Power and sexual violence in queer communities
Thursday, March 30, 1 p.m.-2:30 p.m.
Room 293, Union
Join us for a workshop specifically designed for queer students that is focused on understanding power dynamics in dating and sexual relationships, recognizing how many discussions of dating and sexual violence exclude and harm queer folks and exploring how queer joy can transform harm within communities.
Discussions will be informed by power and identities, with the aim of empowering students to feel comfortable exercising their agency to shift flows of power in sexual and relationship contexts. Students will examine their own experiences and their unique capability to counteract taboos and harmful assumptions.
The workshop will take place on Thursday, March 30, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the Union, Room 293 (Student Equity & Diversity Meeting Room). It is being presented by the McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention Research & Education and the LGBT Resource Center as a Pride Week event.
POSTPONED DUE TO WEATHER: Learn what you can do to help prevent sexual violence
Feb. 23
Faculty workshop, 10-11 a.m., Faculty Center and virtual
Campus lecture, 12-1:30 p.m., Union Den
Sarah Hurtado will visit the U campus on Feb. 23 to give two presentations — one to faculty and a workshop open to the entire campus community — on why violence prevention is a shared responsibility and how, regardless of your campus role, we all can make a difference in stopping harm.
Hurtado is an assistant professor in higher education in the Morgridge College of Education at the University of Denver. Her research is centered on the ways institutions maintain inequity that contributes to the perpetuation of rape culture and identifying strategies for transformative change.
To register for the faculty session, see this link. The second session, “Preventing Interpersonal Violence is Everyone’s Responsibility,” is from 12-1:30 p.m. in the Union Den. Register at this link. Hurtado’s visit is being sponsored by the McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention Research & Education and the Martha Bradley Evans Center for Teaching Excellence.
MCVP Anti-Violence Book Club is back!
Bi-monthly, Feb. 8, Feb. 22, March 22, April 5, April 19
2:15-3:15 p.m.
Room 2008 Marriott Library
The MCVP Anti-Violence Book Club is back this spring with a new read: “Unbound: My Story of Liberation and the Birth of the Me Too Movement” by Tarana Burke. The book club will meet bi-monthly, beginning Wednesday, Feb. 8, from 2:15-3:15 p.m. in the flexible classroom 2008 in the Marriott Library.
If you are interested and to receive the reading schedule, with the dates and chapters to be discussed, please fill out this google form. Questions? Contact Tillie Powell, u1352781@umail.utah.edu
What does consent look like to you?
Feb. 13, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Parlor A, Union
The McCluskey Center for Violence Prevention Research & Education and Students United for Reproductive Freedom (SURF) are hosting Consensual Conversations in Parlor A at the Union on Monday, Feb. 13 from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
The hour-long event will be an open discussion of U students' questions about consent. Consent is frequently talked about as something simple and easily understood but isn’t actually as straightforward as it’s made out to be. We invite you to come discuss the complexities of consent and what consent means to you! Pizza, candy and more will be provided. You are welcome to stop by and leave at any point during the event.
Students may submit questions and comments through an anonymous online survey or through our Conversation Hearts Valentine’s Day boxes located at both the Union’s Services Desk and Gardner Commons’ Services Desk. Conversation Hearts will be provided at the event as well.
Tune in with the MCVP!
Feb. 2-April 27
12-12:50 p.m.
Union Den and other locations
Interested in learning more about how you can help end sexual violence on our campus?
Please join us for an educational workshop series designed to help students, staff and faculty better understand sexual violence in order to address it from a primary prevention perspective--stopping harm before it happens.
Topics to be covered will range from the historic roots of sexual violence to what we know about people who cause harm, what research shows about sexual violence prevention and the role transformative justice can play in both addressing and stopping the cycle of harm.
Participants will engage in guided discussions focused on helping them recognize personal and professional strengths and individual roles that can serve as a foundation for addressing sexual violence in their social networks, research and teaching. You will increase confidence in your ability to contribute to the eradication of sexual violence on campus.
The workshops will consist of 50-minute sessions from 12 p.m. to 12:50 p.m. every other Thursday, beginning on Thursday, Feb. 2, 2023, and running through Thursday, April 27, 2023. To register, please fill out the form at the link embedded here.