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We have a podcast!!!

By Jilly Mcbane

“Hello and welcome to The New Consent Narrative. My name is Jilly Mcbane.”

I hope you get used to hearing that as it is my honor to introduce to you our very own podcast from the MCVP! As you can probably tell by the introduction, the podcast is titled, “The New Consent Narrative” and it will cover topics that are relevant to college students, relationships and violence — all in the format of a recorded conversation. The episodes will be published this week.

Why are we doing this you might ask? The McCluskey Center engages in various forms of education because we all learn in different ways. I know for myself I am a huge fan of podcasts and whether I’m listening to one in the shower or out on a long walk, I always learn something new and interesting. Additionally, it seems that in recent years podcasts have grown exponentially in popularity and becoming a host of one has transformed into a dream of my own. When I was presented the opportunity to make one, I had to do it.

I know that there are so many people out there who are passionate about ending sexual violence and want to learn more but even when we really care about something it can be hard to find time to fit it in when we’re juggling our many obligations as college students. A podcast like this offers the chance to learn and make a difference in a way that is easy and accessible and listening to it can be done while doing other things.

Making this podcast has been such a growing experience for me and it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of close friends, staff at the MCVP and the amazing people and resources at the University of Utah. Having conversations and learning new perspectives is so important to me and I am thrilled to be sharing some of these conversations with you. With that, I hope you get a chance to listen!